Sunday, October 02, 2005

Go Yankees

So the Yankees won the American League East for the 8th straight year. In that time they have won 3 world series. That is a pretty good record so why the hell are people complaining. Yeah I know that they have not won since 2000 but they have been to the Show twice since then. And I just loved the fact that they got to celebrate at Fenway. Now they just have to win again today and maybe force a one game playoff

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Oh Yeah I love the News about Tom Delay

So there I was at school, I had just finished a really good class and I had entered my office and turned on my computer. There is was on Cnn. Tom Delay will step down after his indictment. If my day was not already awesome enough that just made my day completly. I mean it was about time. I have been waiting for this moment for months. Now this Texas Jury just needs to convict this major league A_Hole.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

An Ugly Jets Season

Well I think I blogged too early last week. Damn is this Jets Season going to suck. Chad is down and we are back to possibly the old man Vinny. I would rather take Bollinger I think. Oh well

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Wow what a differnce a week sort of makes

So the Jets came out on Sunday and played well. They beat a decent Miami team. Lets see what they do against the Jags. I am actually going to the game on Sunday. Very cool huh.
The Yanks on the other hand are in First again. Can they hold on to it. Next Weekend against the Sox will be Key. Lets go Yanks

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Go Yanks and oh yeah Go J-E-T-S JETS, JETS JETS

Well the Yanks seemto have some what righted there ship but now they still have to catch both the Indians and the Red Sox. Oh if only the Yanks had actually done better against the D-rays we would not be in this mess that we are now. I still think the yankees are going to make the playoffs but I am not one hundred percent certain on this issue. I might actualy be going into waters that I have not had to experience since 1993. What am I talking about you non sports fans ask(Kevin, Weisberg, Nick and hopefully others who I am unware are reading this) 1993 was the last(non strike shorten year) where the Yankees did not make the playoffs. So I am of course a little bit nervous. I don't think that would actually be depressed or totally down like I might have been in high school. No rather my nervousniss/anxiety is actually linked to another sport--Football.
I am a Jets fan not die hard the way I am a yankee fan but still I follow them in the off season and watch all their games. So after watching the disater that was Game 1 vs KC I am having some serious reservations about this season. I don't know if I can stomach an ugly losing season. I really need my sports to help me chill and if I have to wait until April again to really enjoy sports that will be too long. So Lets Go Yankees and Lets Go Jets(beat those stupid dolphins)

Monday, September 12, 2005

Hit the road jack.(or should I say M. Brown)

Wow less than a week from reassignment to resignation. They must have really wanted this guy gone. Good riddance just as long he is not the last

Sunday, September 11, 2005

A few thoughts

I am about to start my second week of work. I am so looking forward to it. My students could not be better. So far they are everything that I could ask for. They are respectful, and they appear excited about learning history.
On a more serious note. Today is the 4th minute anniversary of 9/11. I think we should all take a moment to think about those who lost their lives on such a horrible day. I also think that the Bush administration has taken our sorrow over this horrible event and manipulated our thoughts and fears and taken us down the wrong path. It is just so frustrating thinking about how Americans have been so missled.

Friday, September 09, 2005

some props to my friend Lucky_Adrastus

My friend over on Live journal has been saying some really good things about what is going on in this country these days. So here is link.

Fire Mike Brown!!!

Wow are they actually going to fire this guy. Okay yeah maybe the guy is being scapegoat but lets face it. He messed up big time. So it is obvious to me that sending this guy back to Washington is just( or hopfully is just) a step to actually firing this guy. My point is this. Everybody knows this guy needs to get canned. So just do it. Maybe wait a few more days but don't go through this B.S. of sending him home to his desk just fire him.

Monday, September 05, 2005

10 days of amazement Part II

So here is the part of my post where I get pissed. It has now been about a week since Hurricane Katrina essentially destroyed large parts of the Gulf Coast. There have been so many issues involved here from the fact that most of the victims in New Orleans have been poor African-Americans and the fact that the Bush Administration seemed at first to fault them for being poor with no place to go to the fact that bodies are still float in the water a week after the storm. This should not happen in this country. Not that this should happen in any country but hte United States prides itself on being the richest most powerful most democratic country in the world and here we are looking like a third world country.
The sad part of all this is the scope and priorities. This tragedy could probably not have been prevented but perhaps the scope could have been less. The Bush administration did two things that really hurt New Orleans. One when the Army Corps of Enginers requested a budget to fix and upgrade the levees the Bush Administration cut the budget to fight the war in Iraq. This was the Bush administration with its eye towards a seemingly more important issue. It is the second action that I take more issue with. Prior to President Bush II, President Clinton and from what I understand President Bush I protected the wetlands around New Orleans. President Bush II allowed these protections to expire and essentially sold the land to developers who promptly destroyed the wetlands. When the hurrican came through the wetlands which normally would have soaked up some of the water from the hurricane were no longer there and New Orleans flooded. So again poor people had to suffer so President Bushs anti environmentalist developer friends could get rich. Does this seem right to you. Again this administration has proven that it will go out of its way to help the rich and the developers and capitalist countering years of previous administration efforts to help the environment.
Think about that folks.

Ten days of amazement Part I

Wow I have had a interesting last 11 days or so. To begin with I want to express my sorrow and outrage at was has happened down south on the Gulf Coast. But I will get to that in a moment. First I must discuss good news.

I have a new job. I am still teaching but now I am at a new school. It is a private school and although the students have not shown up yet I am so happy. The faculty is so nice and helpful and I will have great support from the entire staff. I will be teaching History(of course) and can't wait.
My class size keeps on dropping dramatically. My first year teaching I had 165 students. My second year I had 112. Now this year I will have less than 60 total. How cool is that. So anyway for the past week plus I have been going to work for Teacher week. I am looking forward to Tuesday with a bit trepidation but mostly excitement!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Pat Robertson Part II

So wow Pat Robertson first today says his words were taken out of context. I don't really know how they could be. I mean when said and mind you this is my paraphrasing. "If he thinks we are going to assassinate him, maybe we should go and do it" I don't know how out of context you can take that. I mean at least he didn't try and boost his street cred. How funny would it have been if Robertson had said " If he thinks we are going to try and bust a cap in his ass maybe we should go ahead and f__k him up"
Then later he apparently apologized completely. He needs to pick a stance and stay with it. Of Course my choice for him would be to just shut up..

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ban Pat Robertson?

Okay so I am sure by now you have all heard how on his 700 Club Pat Robertson suggested that the United States Assassinate President Hugo Chavez of Venezvuela. Now of course the Bush Administration disavowed these statements. But let us be clear this is the same Administration that actually supported a coup against Chavez. So clearly Robertson is certainly not going to be punished or fined by any Bush Administration officials. Besides the FCC only cares about breasts and lewdness not politically dangerous/violent speech. So please join my already in progess ban and don't listen to this shmuck.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

So its been a week since I saw Batman Begins. I really liked the movie. Infact I was totally sold on the movie when Thomas Wayne tells the young Bruce Wayne that subways are a way to strenghen democracy and to help give power to the poor. I thought this line of dialogue was totally cool. The rest of the movie continued to kick some serious Batman III and IV butt. The action was great as was the dialogue. There was just one line that left me seriouslly trouble. Near the end of the movie ScareCrow says "You have nothing to fear but fear itself". Okay great line. Except for the fact that it was f____ing stolen. If I was FDR I would be rolling around in my grave.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Reflections on the eve of my 27th Birthday

Growing up I have I think been more aware(certainly when I was younger) about current events than perhaps the average American. Recently I have come to some rather upseting conclusions about the state of this great country. Back when I was in High School and College I always enjoyed the eras of history in which Americans were living in an historical moment: The 1930's and 1940s, the 1860's, the 1770's and 1780's. At least in my opinion and I think in the opinion of most Americans the leaders of our country made the right choices. Which brings me to the USA circa 2005. I believe that we as Americans are again living in a historical moment. We as Americans are faced with many new issues. And I feel that the president and the leaders of this country(those whose votes seem to count) just don't get it when it comes to making the right choices Here are just a few of those areas
1 War in Iraq and Foriegn policy
2 The Environment
3 Social Welfare and the role of government
4 Religion in politics
5 the Role of the courts.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The oh so sorry Jesse Helms

So apparently Jesse Helms has a new book which will soon be releashed. A copy has be prereleased to the various media outlets. has reported that apparently Helms is sorry for his early stance on the AIDS crisis but he not sorry for segregation nor does he think it was wrong. In fact he says and I quote "Sen. Jesse Helms acknowledges he was wrong about the AIDS epidemic but believes integration was forced before its time by "outside agitators who had their own agendas." ". Wow Outsiders... So those African Americans living in the south who fought for thier own rights were outsders.
Helms also goes on to say that the only reason why he changed his view on the AIDs epidemic is and I quote "it had been my feeling that AIDS was a disease largely spread by reckless and voluntary sexual and drug-abusing behavior, and that it would probably be confined to those in high risk populations. I was wrong." So essentially if AIDS had been a problem confined largely to the gay community Helms would still apparently not feel so bad about his stance.
I guess Helms is an anomoly in America he has less of an issue with the gay community than the black community.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Great Star Wars Review Part I

I have now seen Star Wars Episode I and it has been a few days since I have seen it. Now that I have had some time to deconstruct it I will review it. To those of you who have simply written off the the new movies on principle be warned.. I actually plan to give this movie a good review. I do plan to see it again...So who knows I might like it even more or change my mind completely. But without further ado.....

The Good.....

1 It was dark dark dark and more dark. Ask just about any Star Wars fan and they will tell you they love Return of the Jedi. I get chills when Wedge and Lando fly into the huge reactor chamber at the end as they are about to blow up the Death Star. But I like most Star Wars fans believe that Empire is the best movie. Why because it is dark dark dark and more dark. Nothing goes right for the Rebels and the end is damn near depressing. Sith(episode III) is much the same way. That Mace Wendu fight with Emperor is so cool but deep in your mind you know that Mace is not coming out of this fight a victor. It sucked seeing all those Jedi cut down by Order 66.
2 Mace Wendu's death aside the wiping out of the Jedi was a really chilling scene the way Anakin just goes on a rampage even killing children and at the same time seeing the Jedi Master many of whom we met in the earlier films just being betrayed by their troops. Who perhaps were genetically programmed for such an order.
3 Why were those scenes so effective because John Williams reached somewhere in his bag of tricks and made some really nice new music. I even sensed some Arabic type themes at some point that was really cool .
4 Plot hole issues. Well in Part II of Blog Debate. I mentioned how the droids primarily 3PO might be able to figure out what the hell is going on(ie who Luke's father really is) unless he got his memory wiped. Well I entered the movie ready to gloat and take pleasure at having caught Georgie in a major plot no no. However he denied me that extra pleasure by wiping his memory. Way to go George.
5 Need I mention the awesome Light saber duels which actually had a little more dialogue in them.
The Bad.....
Now I have a number of complaints so do not take this to mean I thought the movie was bad.
1 Plot holes.
A) the First major plot hole is linked to a good plot hole issue. Why don't they wipe R2's memory. You would think both their memories should need to be erased
B) Anakin and Padme are trying to keep their marriage/child a secret. Why then are they living together. I mean aren't Jedi's supposed to sense shit. Don't you think Yoda and Mace would be able to have a conversation like this "Master Wendu Young Skywalker not in his room he is" "Damn straight he with that fine young senator from Naboo". I mean if a PI today can catch a cheating couple I think a couple of bad ass Jedi Masters can catch this affair.
C) Major plot hole 1. In Jedi (when Luke reveals to Liea there joint parentage) Luke asks Liea if she remembers her mother. And Liea explains how she remembers her being very sad but beautiful with long hair. All nice and good I think most of us assumed that the mom went with Liea to Alderaan and died sometime later. But in Sith Padme literally dies moments after Liea's birth. Explain that to me. Unless there is some Force induced womb memory Liea is not going to remember her mother.
D) Major plot hole 2. At the end of the movie there is a moment where Vader and the Emperor are standing on the bridge of Star Destroyer and they look out with a younger Grand Moff Tarkin at the skeletal frame of the Death Star. We had seen this design in Episode II. Now you are going to tell me that it took 20 years to build this huge station and then take only three years to essentially build the Second Death Star. I know Lucas has tried really hard to put elements from the first movies into the prequels but please that was so unnecessary.
E) Major Plot Question. Warning If you haven't realized I am a Star Wars nerd you will realize this now. At the end of the movie Yoda mentions how he is going to teach Obi-Wan how to be immortal through the force like his old master Qui-Gan. Sounds cool right but there is a major question I have. Obi-Wan and Yoda both vanished upon their deaths. This would seem to indicate they are now immortal in the force. But Qui-Gan did not vanish nor did Vader and both are seemingly immortal now. Qui-Gan because we are told he is and Vader because we see his spirit. Now both Vader and Qui-Gan were burned so maybe this jump starts the whole thing. I want answers!!!!!!
2 The first 45 minutes. Don't make me talk about this part of the movie it was slow, poorly shot and damn right boring.
The UGLY....
Cringe worthy moments
Any scene with Padme and Anakin together. This seems to be the major flaw of all three movies. This lame ass poorly acted and stupid romance. I mean that whole love makes you blind scene I almost threw up it was so bad. What editor let that piece of crap in.

I realize the negatives seem long but for the most part the bad points I mention are really just the rants of an obsessed star wars fan. They in no way detracted from my enjoyment of the movie.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Great Star Wars Debate Part III

Well Star Wars is about 24 hours away at this point and sad to say I don't have tickets to opening day but I will make do. Here is the final blog Debate before I actually see Episode III. (This Debate is more of a jumble of different topics so bear this in mind if it seems more random)

Article I the Lightsaber Duels. Better Choreography vs Better Dialogue.

You can bash Episode I all you want the Lightsaber duel at the end between Obi-Won and Darth Maul was so cool. Like wise when Yoda whipped out his little Lightsaber and when Mano e Mano vs Count Doku I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The technology alone allowed Lucas to not only make cooler looking lightsabers but have better fight scenes with them. But this comes with a drawback. All three original scenes had light saber duels and with the exception of Empire during most of the duels Darth Vader was talking with his opponent exchanging taunts etc. Some of the great lines from the movies come from these scenes.There is virtually no dialogue in the new films. Actually I take that back. There is NO! dialogue in Episode one. I for one like both aspects. But I can get my dialogue else where. Believe it or not folks but the films actually gain a positive point.

Article II. Too Many Scene Changes.
One of my major complaints especially about Episode II is that there are simply to many locations that the characters are going to. This causes many problems but most importantly it causes for poor plot development. The original episodes especially Episode three had really 4 main scenes. Hoth, Space(Asteroid) Daggobah and Bespin. That's it RTOJ had 5. The new episodes don't have an obscene number of extra scenes but it seems that there is so much more movement that there is little time for plot development

Article III: A return to Debate Part II
So in preperation for the movie I decided to watch episode IV again. And I realized a possible serious plot hole. C-3PO was not only built by Darth Vader but he actually lived with Uncle Owen for a good number of years when the mother got married. No 3PO never tells uncle Owen his name in episode IV but your telling me that some prissy golden droid is not going to bring back memories from your mid 20's . I am telling you Uncle Owen must be really off his rocker if he did not notice that.
Well anyway those are my thoughts. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation

Well I am taking a break from Star Wars for a moment. Don't worry Part III is forthcoming. Rather I am writing here to endorse/stump for a great little book I just read. This new book Assassination Vacation. Follows Sarah Vowell as she and a variety of friends travel around the United States visiting historic sites that are related to the first three Presidential Assassinations(Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley). I loved this book. It was at all times funny insightful and most importantly it taught me quite a bit of trivia that I did not know about U.S History. For instance that JWB shot Lincoln on Good Friday(the day Jesus was killed) only to have him sermonized and martyrd on Easter Sunday. As Vowell says Moron!!!!. I agree. There are numerous other funny tidbits and anecdotes peppered through out the book. For anyone who is the least bit interested in history read this book.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

The Great Star Wars Debate Part II. Dumb Characters

So in the second installment I tackle the long debate of certain alien characters that will remain unnamed for now.
Article I Annoying Character. Jar Jar Episode I.

So the chants after episode I were kill Jar Jar. I have to say while I found Jar Jar just about annoying as most Star Wars fans my age I though those chants were perhaps unnecessary afterall I said to myself there must have been equally annoying characters from Episodes IV V and VI. Jar Jar's main role in my view was the comic relief. So I have decided to do a point by point comparision of Jar Jar to C-3PO (the comic relief for the first three films. Don't argue this point you know it's true.)
1 Voice and dialect: The main complaint about Jar Jar that I heard from many people was that he sounded like he was from the caribean. Since he said a lot of stupid things people were screaming racism. C-3PO did not have a partcularly ethnic voice put he did have a very prissy voice. One could argue that with his voice 3PO was a bit sterotypically gay a charge I would not dismiss outright. But 3-3PO actually said somethings that were actually funny. The Annoying point goes to Jar Jar.
2 Actions: There are two types of comic relief: Verbal and physcial. Jar Jar falls into both categories. In terms of his actions. We have acting him like an idiot while in the Gungan submarine. We have him acting like a real idiot when he starts attaking the R2 units while on board the star ship. But his real shining moments come on Tatoinne. He steals some food only to almost get killed by a podracer. He almost gets killed(why Lucas Why!!!) when his tongue gets zapped and he can't talk. I could on but I think you get the message. Jar Jar's antics are hardly funny and detract from the movie. 3PO does not have a lot of funny actions his humor comes from his voice. So once again Jar Jar gets the Annoying point.
3 So who wins the annoying contest. Jar Jar hands down. In fact the Jar Jar is so annoying/offensive he almost ruins the movie. The only character who I can say actually did that for me was Chris Tucker's character in the Fith Element. Ruby Roo I think his name was. He had that Penis hairdo thing going on. My response. Kill Jar Jar

Article II. Characters from the original movies in the prequels.

This is a problem that all sequels have but do prequels need to have this problem ? Lucas decided for some reason that with the exception of Luke, Leia, Han and Lando he was going to try and put every major character from the original in the prequels. Now some character like Yoda and Obi-Wan and Darth Vader I can understand afterall it makes sense. But 3PO and R2 give me a break. Your telling me that Anakin built 3PO only to have him years later help destory him. I would like to give Lucas credit for some dramatic irony but frankly I don't think he is that smart. I just don't think that droids could still be in such excellent physical shape 30 years after the fact. Also unless 3PO got his memory erased he would be able to figure out along with R2 perhaps who Luke and Leia's real father was. That seems to be a major critical error on the part of George Lucas.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Great Star War Debate Part I. Muppet Yoda.

Okay I am about to let force my nerd herdness and start debating Star Wars. After all Episode III is coming out soon.
I am a big fan of Star Wars but Old School Star Wars. I liked episodes I and II but was disappointed to say the least. Episode III looks thight but then again so did the other two in previews.
So in installation one I start of with a big topic Muppet Yoda vs CGI Yoda(or more generally puppet/models vs CGI)
Article I The Yoda Debate
So Yoda the much beloved character from Empire and Jedi was essentially a muppet that had to be operated on a stage with the puppetier hiding below. He was needless to say cool. He had great expression and his eyes seemed so real.
Yoda of Episodes I and II was CGI. He could move around and fight with a lightsaber(I thought that was so cool) But Yoda had lost the cool befuddled grammer he had in V(Empire) and VI(Jedi). He was also much more green a fact that I might be mistaking due to my color blindness. Now George Lucas might say that the color issue is due to his age. But here is my issue. Roughly Only 20-30 years pass between the events of Episode II and Episode V. Yoda claims in Episode VI to be 900 years old. So 30 years is nothing. Yoda in theory should have already been an very old Jedi in Episode I and II. But I degress because I am getting away from my major beef with George.
George seems to be of the belief that CGI creatures and CGI ships etc are better then models/muppets. Why because it is a cool technology. Because he is putting all this CGI crap in just to show that he can. In my book(and this might change pending the Yoda fight scenes) Muppet Yoda wins hands down.
Article II the CGI environment debate
Why did millions of Fans actually think they were on Hoth in Episode V. Why did millions of fans think that Middle Earth could actually exisit in the recent LOTR movies. I will tell you why. Becasue they did(well sort of ) In both the movies but especially LOTR the directors/producers decided that instead of creating some bootleg looking CGI background or building. They would actually build said struture or film on said location. Middle Earth exisited because Peter Jackson(man do I hate him some times) filmed in New Zealand. New Zealand was Middle Earth.He also built the major ciities and castles. And guess what his movies rocked. Lucas used to be like that in Episodes IV, V and VI but now all he does is CGI. He would probably create a CGI actor and thus elimate the need for actors if he could. Again just to show that he can. Lucas needs to look back at his old self and realize that models and minatures and on scence shoot with huge sets(that take months to build) is not bad film making it is good film making.
There I have said my peace. Wait a few days for the next installment my blood needs to cool.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Man do I hate Tom Delay

Well for all you democrats who already hate Tom Delay. Here is yet another reason to hate him.
His Cuban policy Now by Cuban policy I don't mean some guy living in Havanna. I mean those rather expensive tobacco products that are currently illegal in this country. I would say more but I think the photo speaks for itself.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

This day in History

April 28

1945 Benito Mussolini is captured and executed by Italian partisans...
Man did Mussolini face a nasty ending. Talk about a great photo.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Man do I feel dirty.

So I just went to see Fever Pitch. I found the movie to be quite funny. I enjoyed it but at the back of mind I felt like I was betraying the Yanks. There are a number of reasons why I felt this way.
1 I had a hard time rewatching the dreaded comeback. How could I enjoy a movie that celebrates the Yankees horrible horrible breakdown in last years playoffs. But this was not the central theme so I am giving myself a pass on this issue. It is issue number two where I have a harder time forgiving myself.
2 I have a rule. It is not Constitutional law rather it is more like English Common Law(it is not written down but still holds equal weight)My rule is as follows. During the season I will not read any book that sings the praises of another major league francise. So for instance. I did not read MoneyBall ( a book praising the A's) until the off season. Even then I had a hard time reading the book. So is a movie whose major theme is the Red Sox the same thing? I admit I enjoyed the story about an obsessed fan but did the film really need to be about the Red Sox. What about the Cubs or those other Sox. I thinkI could have handled a good movie about Chicago a little bit more.
3 This last issue has less to do with the movie but rather whom I saw it with. This movie was with out a doubt a date movie. Yet there I was watching the movie with my father. Need I say more.

Wow I really must like the North East

American Cities That Best Fit You:

70% New York City

65% Chicago

60% Philadelphia

60% San Francisco

55% Boston

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

This day in History

Well this is a rather mixed emothion day for me. This is a rather evil day in the history of the world. Today many people around the world were celebrating the birthday of Adolf Hitler. That such an evil and twisted man shares the same birthday as my mom and cousin along with Don Mattingly.
Hitler caused so much evil and destruction lets not talk about him any more.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Well proof once again I am from New York

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English

35% Yankee

10% Dixie

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern

Check out this 6 minute exposure. You can even see the plane jet trails in the back ground

Friday at work.

Man did school stink on Friday. First of all its a Friday and you just want to be gone. But more importantly I encountered the rudest group of students I have ever encountered. They refused to listen to me. They made fun of me to my face and they even tried to steal a CD player off my desk. Turns out this class is rude to every one. This does not minimize their rudeness. I hope I never have to teach that group of students agian.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Another Photo. Yes I know you are getting bored

A cool night time shot out my apartment window. Man is this a cool city or what. I exposed the film for about 2:00 minutes. I was using my new toy an electronic cable trigger. What a cool little toy.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Damn those Red Sox.

Stupid Fenway and Stupid Red Sox more importantly stupid me for not Starting Manny(on my fantasy team) while playing at Fenway

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Another Photo

Reflection at the Museum of Natural History
Here is another photo from my photo class. As you can see we are now shooting in color. I don't think I like the color images as much as the black and white. But I think this photo is pretty cool.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

April 9th

Okay so see the Sandman is okay. He got a nice save. Lets give a hand to the fans who gave a nice cheer when he came in.
On to this Day in History... On this date in 1865 Robert E. Lee surrendered to U.S. Grant at Appomatox Court House.(It is actually the name of a town. Pretty Cool Huh.) Now why is this event so important. With the surrender of Lee the Civil was for all purposes over. After Lee gave up the other Confederate commanders gave up in rather quick order. Only one Stand Watie(a Native America no less)refused to give up. This in some ways is a sad day. Robert E. Lee had finally been defeated and Grant realized this and did not allow his troops to gloat at the defeated rebel army. This was a classy way to end the war. It is unfortunate that less than a week later President Lincoln would be dead and the victory of the Civil War was soon bitter sweet. Until Next time this is the History Report.....

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Lay off the Hammer of God

Okay you scummy fans. Lay off Mo. He has blown two games. How many games has he saved for us before. Yes it is a little scary but guess what. He will rebound. He is Mo. And he is still better than most of the relievers out there.

Monday, April 04, 2005

This Day in History

Today is a rather tragic day in History. On this day on 1968 Martin Luther King Jr was felled by an assassins bullet. MLK Jr was and should still be considered one of the most important people of the last 50 years. He changed not only the world but he continued the work of Ghandi and another great leader. Both these amazing men showed the world that non violence protests work. He proved to Americans and specifically African Americans that if you set your mind and your will power towards a goal. It is possible. It is sad to think that young people, who so made up Dr. Kings army, are not longer active motivated people. I am a young person and I have no cause nor do I see one that appeals to me. And I think most young people feel like me. I just hope that we can learn from his example even now.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

TR on a Horse outside the Museum of Natural History. Yet another photo from my class.

Its Opening Day

Lets Go Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets Go West-Side Newdealers

Romeo and Juliet in Central Park

Romeo and Juliet in Central Park

So I am taking this Photography class. And Here is one of the photos that I took for this weeks assignment. Everyone in the class seemed to like it. So here is the one judged to be the best of my photos this week.

The Death of Pope John Paul II

John Paul II has died and I assume most people around the world are in some degree of mourning. I am not a Catholic nor am I a Christian but I still feel some degree of sadness. I don't think anything more needs to be said.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Opening Day Just a Day Away

We are oh so much closer to 8:00pm Sunday when the Yanks and the Sox start off the 2005 Baseball Season. Oh Yeah. This Season is going to rock. Lets just hope that this latest report about Kevin Brown having a stiff back are not as bad as it seems. Although based on Brown's performance last year maybe a bad back would not be such a bad thing. Afterall there have been reports that the Yanks have a pretty good pitcher down at AAA. I am just now having Fantasy Baseball issues. I have Manny on my team and I am suddenly having issues about having this man on my team(as a Yankee fan.) I mean whom do I root for..... Obviously I plan to root for the Yanks and against the Sox so how can I realistically have Manny on my team. I think I might trade him for either a national leaguer or a non Division rival.

Oh the trials of a Fantasy Manger......

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Schiavo Delay Connection

With the risk of offending some of my readers I am tackling a rather difficult topic. Tom Delay recently defended his own "Medical Terrorism" (16 years ago he pulled the plug on his own father. His father suffered a severe brain injury) By explain htat his father would not have been able to breathe on his own and thus was dying. All Terri schiavo can not do is eat. Okay now there are two issues here. I think many people don't realize that the feeding tube keeping Terri Schiavo alive was not some tube inserted into her throat that allowed her to enjoy food. No this tube is directly inserted into the wall of her stomach. Terri Schiavo can not eat period. She can swallow she can not chew. I think that if more people realized this they would not be so quick to condemn her husband. But getting back to Tom Delay. There are two essential things humans need. Air and Food/water in that order. Yes lack of oxygen will kill you faster than lack of food. But it is still the same concept. So for spokesman of the Family Research Council to say

However, Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, said that Mr. DeLay did not act inconsistently, and that the congressman's father could not be compared to Ms. Schiavo, who was receiving no medical treatment other than nutrition and hydration through a feeding tube.

"Two different situations," Mr. Perkins said. "With Terri Schiavo, there was no plug pulled, there was no respirator taken away from her. She was simply by court order deprived of food and water.
Is utter medical foolishness. Okay I have said my peace. Yell at me if you must.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

This Day in History.

So today is what I would consider a rather good day in History.On this Date in 1979. Begin and Sadat signed a historic peace treaty formalizing the Camp David Accords of the previous year.
There are some who have argued that by simply making a bilateral treaty instead of a multilateral treaty Egypt and Israel doomed future peace efforts in the middle east. I disagree Anwar Sadat and Menachim Begin took a huge step forward in making Peace. They showed that is was possible for two hated enemies(who had fought four wars in the past 30 years) to normalize relations. It is unfortunate that Sadat lost his life in his cause for Peace.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I hope those Scandanavians are laughing right now....

So Joe Klien of Time Magazine has a rather interesting theory. If Peace in the Middle East actually happens and Democracy spreads like a Forest Fire(no pun intended considering the region) than President Bush and his Bush Doctrine should be worthy of the Noble Peace Prize. Yeah thats right the Noble Peace Prize. As one of my friens said it's like 1984 Peace=War. Needless to say I almost threw up when I read the title of his article. I hope you feel the same way as well. If not you are no longer welcome to read this Blog......

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Beware the Ides of March

Well I think the title says it all about this day in history but lets talk about it anyway.
44 B.C.E. Julius Caesar Dictator of the Roman Republic(yes he was not the first Emperor, Augustus was) is assassinated by Brutus and his fellow Senators thus giving the great phrase
Et Tu Brute......

Monday, March 14, 2005

Wow my chance of going to hell

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Low
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

Friday, March 11, 2005

This Date in History March 11

So today we at the History Report will once again be celebrating the greatness that was Franklin Delano Roosevelt the 32nd President of the United States of America. It's late I have had some beer and wine enter my system but I feel we must recognize the greatness of our greatness President(sorry Abe) on this 64th anniversary of the passing into Law of HR 1776 or the Lend Lease Act. To give a little historical perspective. Great Britain(England for those who might not be aware) was fighting the Nazis essentially on her own. France(1-99 since Napoleon) had been defeated as well as the other democracies of Western Europe. England stood alone and desperately needed supplies from the United States. But Capitalism requires that one pays for what they want and England had no money. FDR proposed a radical and perhaps a little tricky plan. He proposed that the United States would Lend England the supplies it needed. At the end of the War England would return those items. Now of course many of those items would be destroyed or lost or used up. To the point where it would be pointless to return them. The United States was in essence going to be simply giving England stuff for relatively little cost.
Lend Lease is a great example of FDR the great politician... May he be remembered fondly

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Year in Sports

So I am returning to my theme of sports I found this to be really funny.
The Yankees of course are sucking it up in Spring Training but they always do so I am not to worried. I am sure once the season starts they will be doing fine. Well thats all I have to say for today.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Twelve Angry Men

So I just went to see the play Twelve Angry Men tonight. My parents and I paid 56 dollars for 86 dollar seats. Pretty good huh!!!. It is one of my favorite movies and it was great play. Now the one problem of course with the play is that compared to the movie the acting talents just don't compare. How do you compare E.G. Marshall and Lee.J Cobb not to mention Henry Fonda to a talented group of actors but not uber talented actors. Needless to say I truly enjoyed the play. It is not only a great story I think it shows why going to Jury Duty is so important. Anyways I don't feel like preaching tonight. So good night

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Supreme Court This week.

This was a nice week if you are a liberal for the most part. The Supreme Court this week said that the execution of convicted criminals was unconstitutional if the crime took place while they were still a minor. Now Justice Scalia would beg to differ but I think it is a good thing that the United States has now joined such nations as Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Nigeria, China and the Democratic Republic of Congo(the only countries to have executed juveniles since 1990) in outlawing this practice. Yes there will be occasions perhaps when a 17 and 330 day year old will perhaps " beat the system" but I think that letting a few young men/women escape death so that this country is not killing 16 year olds is a step in the right direction. I know that even 18 years do not think as clearly as adults. Just look at that case in NYC where the an actress was killed on the lower east side. How did it all start. The group responsible started the incident because they had goaded an 18 year old girl into acting more street. Clearly even 18 year olds are not always mature enough either.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Elbow Room

So I was teaching a demo lesson today and the topic was the beginning of U.S. Expansion under Jefferson. To get the students into the lesson I showed them the "Elbow Room" Song from School House Rocks.
This particular song from the uber-patriotic America Rock volume is actually quite disturbing. It essentially explains that the reason why the U.S needed to expand was so everybody(white folks that is) could have some space to shake their elbows up and down like a chicken. A nice simplification of history and yet that is not the songs fatal and disturbing flaw. Elbow Room.... Elbow Room. What does that remind me of???? Oh I don't know... Germany 1930's Adolph Hitler "We need Breathing Room" The German idea of Lebensraum or Living Space(available only to Aryans) seems a little to similar to America Rock's Elbow Room(only for "white Americans"). You would think that in the 1970's Americans would notice this comparison and not indoctrinate the youth of America in regards to Elbow Room.

Spring Training

So we are getting really close to Spring Training Games.
There is as of this moment only 6 Days 16 Hours 10 Minutes and 40 seconds until the first game.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Great Joke!!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Today in History Part ?

It was 26 years ago today Coach Brooks taught the team to play..... Well and the rest is History as the United States defeated the Evil Empire in what became known as the Miracle on Ice. Go US.

New updates

Hey take a look I have my photo up.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Today in History

Today in my opinion was a rather momentous day in World History. Some events will be judged good by some people some will be judged bad by some. And Some events will hopefully be judged good or bad by both. I will simply list 5 events and it is up to you the reader to decide if this day was a bad day or a good day. Events will be in Chronological order
1 1848 Marx Published Communist Manifesto.
2 1885 Washington Monument is dedicated
3 1948 NASCAR is formed (I don't think more needs to be said)
4 1965 malcolm X is assassinated
5 1972 Nixon goes to China.

So there you have it readers a fine sample of February 21st. So in your opinion was this day a particularly crappy day or was it a good day. Give it a score with 1 being on the crappy side and 10 being on the good side.

Baseball update.

Well Spring Training is off and running and while looking at yesterday I was thrilled/horrified to see that Buster Olney had ranked the Yankees -Red Sox 1-2 in the pre season rankings. As a Yankee fan I love the fact that the Yankees are seen as the top team before play begins but I also am afraid of the curse thing. You know that little thing where the top ranked team usually does not win it all. Lets just cross our fingers

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Today in History

After a few days Hiatus I am back. With another installment of this Day in History. I hope this does not become a habit but it seems that usually this spot is a negative one.
On February 19 1942 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This executive order set in motion the process which would allow the United States Army to send Japanese Americans to detention centers along the West Coast of the United States. This was a horrible horrible decision by Roosevelt. And it is one of the few black marks on his Presidency. One has to wonder why the United States government did not see fit to include German Americans in their list of groups who be a threat to the United States. One would have to be blind not to accuse American racism as being a key factor in the internment of the Japanese. Let us only hope that in our current war against terrorism the Bush administration or any future administration never decides to imprison law abiding citizens whose only crime is that they are Muslim/Arabic.

Japanese internment

Japanese internment camp

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Start of Spring :-)

Well Spring Officially started today. No I am not talking about the Vernal Equinox. I am talking about Pitchers and Catchers. You see next to politics one of my favorite things to talk about is Baseball specifically Yankee Baseball. After the disaster of last year which we here at the "History Report" will not mention any further there are many questions that need to be asked about this year. So with out further ado.

1 Will Kevin Brown have another mental break down and break his hand? Does it really matter he will probably suck anyway.
2 Will Randy Johnson stay healthy?
3 Will Pavano and Wright be the young guns we thought they would be.
1 Will Giambi rebound from his steroid scandal and injuries. Lets hope he can.
2 Will Shefield, Matsui and Jeter forget the final games of the ALCS and have an awesome year.
3 Will A-Rod continue to be the great player that he is.
1 Will George be the old George or a kindlier happier version?
2 Will Joe Torre quit in disgust?
3 Will the recent scandal derail what looks to be a great season
Lets just hope that once again this will be a season to remember

Monday, February 14, 2005

Getting Kicked WhileYou are Down Day

Ihope everyone has a pleasant and stress free day. One that is free of any viewing of PDA or anything associated with this Hallmark Holiday.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Yesterday In History

So yesterday was the 6th anniversary of a rather important day in United States History. President Clinton was acquitted of all charges of impeachment by the United States Senate. For me this was one of the darker moments in this country's history. Although my friend(who is a democrat BTW) Kate would disagree Clinton's lies before a Grand Jury were not an impeachable offense. Republicans had been after Clinton for years and they decided that what he had lied about was wrong not that he had actually lied. Was the fact that lied wrong. Yes he should not have done that but if Clinton had say lied to Congress about military spending or selling Arms to the Contras(Like our illustrious 40th President) No Clinton picked the wrong topic to lie about. He lied about sex. Never mind that half of the GOP leadership were having their own affairs. This once again proved Republican hypocrisies. They will talk about morals and what not but they will act the complete opposite. Why is this such an important event because once again proved that the GOP is willing to subvert/manipulate the Constitution(our most sacred text) for moral purposes. Just take a look at the attempts to ban Gay Marriage. Only once before has the Constitution been amended for moral purposes and it was complete failure.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Review of the First two parts of Slavery and the Making of America

On PBS on Wednesday night there was a two hour special called Slavery and the Making of America. It covered the time from when the first slaves came to North America to the early Ante Bellum period. It was very well done. For the learned history buff or one who went to U of C(like myself) and took a course on Race and the Constitution(which actually focused most of hte class on how southern states dealt with slavery and crimes towards or by slaves. Needless to say I got a lot out of the documentary.

This Week in History.

I have been inspired by a fellow teacher to have a new posting type. To explain why any particular week has some fame to it. This week has a particularly good note to it but also a negative note to it.
First the Negative(Unless your name is Anne Coulter or any of her brood) back in 1950 Senator "Adolph" sorry Joseph McCarthy told Congress that he had the names of 57 number of Communists in the State Department. Of course this number kept on changing. This would cause most sane and intelligent people to realize that McCarthy was full of it. Most sane and intelligent people today realize this but back in 1950 this was not the case. McCarthy was able to create a witch hunt. Now Coulter (G-D Bless her soul) believes that this witch hunt was not only justified but that the Democrats who helped end his hunt for Communists were traitors to the United States. It is really a shame that such a horribly disturbed mind is trapped in a pretty good looking body.
On the Positive Note. On February 11th 1990. In the country of South Africa Nelson Mandela was released from prison. I don't think we need to explain why this was a good thing. This event changed the history of South Africa. Within a few years Mandela became President in the first free elections in South Africa. I can still remember footage of the voting lines snaking down the hill. I was such a amazing moment.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

John Stewart and PBS

I have to say I just love Jon Stewart. First off he is a Dem.... Secondly he is an incredibly funny Dem with a really funny funny book. for those of yo who don't have it Buy America. If only all Textbooks were like that. Third I just watched (on-line) the Crossfire episode in which he Bitchslaped Tucker Carlson and help get the show cancelled. He just went and shut them up.

On a more important note I am watching Slavery and the Making of America on PBS tonight. There will be a review of it later...

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Batman the Animated Series

So I was having a converstation with another teacher the other day. It turns out he is into cartoons. He watchs many of the new cartoons. He likes Teen Titans and JLU. So he has some good taste in Cartoons. But he had never really watched the original Batman the Animated Series. So I loaned himmy DVD. He watched " Nothing to Fear". He did not seem care for it. He seems to like the newer series that focus more on action and have less reliance on charcater development and drama. Ohwell he has no taste.

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Post SOU depression.

In case you haven't realized I am and New Dealophile. And it really depresses me how readily President Bush and Americans are ready to get rid of program that even if now flawed represented a great aspect of America. Individuals helping other Americans. President Bush wants to replace it with a system in which Americans are only helping themselves. What does he plan to do next make taxes so that Americans can choose what they pay for.


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I can't decide if Bush using the Parents to honor our war dead is touching or exploitive.
Wow he finally mentioned FDR. Not where he should have metioned.
Fall of imperial Communism. What the hell is that. Man I was sure he was going to mention Reagan there.

Well the SOU is over now. Thank god.

The State of the Union IV

Social Security
Personal Retirement Accounts.
What if you have no idea what you are doing.
Where did this come from.
Good of Children how does that have to do with marriage.
Man he is good he is not even mentioning homosexuality.
Culture of Life.
No Stem Cell research.
Urban youth section.
Is he actually going to fund this action.
What I thought Midnight Basketball was not worth the money. Now they seem to be funding it again.

This seems to be moving along rather fast.
Funding Defense lawyers.
As opposed to Texas where they have none. I thought anyone convicted must be Guilty Shrub.... Does the lawyer really matter. Afterall everyone you executed was guilty.

Reforming the Tax Code....
Fair to all
Wait is Bush pushing for illegal Aliens.
Closes the Border to Drug Dealers and Terrorists. How is that going to happen.
Social Security
You better fucking mention FDR
At least you call it a great Moral Success you bastard...
Here comes the privatization part.
Founders of Social Security. You mean FDR you dumb ass.
Fewer workers are paying ever higher benefits to more retirees.
Oh good Rummy is in the Room.


Restrain the spending of the Federal Government. How are we going to do that while we spend more on the military.
Good the Dems are sitting on that budget bull shit.
What government programs do you plan to get rid of.
Wisely( ie on GOP ideas and not at all Dem ideas?)
Small business as definded by what? So they can pollute and do other things?
Man Bush hasn't done his dumb I'm the President grin. Wait he just grinned on the Health Care issue.
How is he going to pay for all of this?
Energy Reform
Encourages Conservation... Yeah thats a crock of shit.

SOU Part II.

No shit sherlok of course you are placed into office by the voters.
Of course he will mention Iraq.
Ah short sentences once again.
I thought American forces were over extended.
What no mention of Draft Dodging.....
Well if the Bush Daughters are ever elected I think the state of future unions will be weak.
You mean make enemies abroud.
Aren't those jobs added all minium wage?

First minutes of the SOU

So the Cabinet just came in. Lets see who is missing. Lets hope it is not Rummy but I didn't see him. Here comes Shrub. He is about to start the speech. We are going to have a running mispeak count. Lets hope the Democrats are not pussies again.

State of the Union

Well the time has come. It is February and the President is getting ready to give his State of the Union. I of course will be watching. I don't know why I guess I feel obligated as an American Citizen. Will update during the speech

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Greensboro Four

Just saw a film on PBS about the February 1 1960 sit in at the Woolworths counter. It was an interesting film. It really shows the power that not only young people have but also how even the most unlikely of individuals can spur a revolution. If it is on again I suggest you watch it.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Frank Pepe's

So I was in New Haven today inpart for some great New Haven pizza at Frank Pepe's. Well the line was too big and my friend and I tried to go to another pizza place that is just slightly less good. Called Pizza Modern however, Modern was closed. We decided to go for Thai food. It was good but man I was really aching for some seriously good pizza. If you have never been you must go. The pizza at Modern and Pepes is out of this world. At modern I highly recommend the white pizza with fresh tomatoes.
It is worth the trip.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Here is to Corruption.

So in the New York Times today there are two articles about corruption by officials.
One article discusses how former Governor George Ryan of Illinois is being indicted for corruption. As we used to say in Chicago. Either the Governor is a crook or he is a idiot. But to be fair Ryan did get rid of the Death Penalty in Illinois. I am sure the allegations are true. Afterall the Governor is probably a bit stupid and crooked.
Now the interesting corruption story is the one happening in Congress. Tom Delay the embattled Majority Leader of the House of Representatives. I was happy to see that Tommy no longer has the protection the GOP gave him


Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year

Well It is now a New Year. I hope everyone had a fun safe and productive celebration last night.
Let us hope that 2005 is a more peaceful and safer year.
Some Historical Perspective.
On this date in 1905 The Trans Siberian Railroad was inaugurated. The entire route took 21 days. Train travel is still a great way to travel. Go to Europe and travel by train. It is not necessarily elegant but it is cheap and fast and you get a chance to see how each country maintains and operates different types of trains. Swiss trains were by far the nicest(Circa 2001). Trains are in some ways better ways to travel than planes. Sure they take longer but in some ways they are more comfortable. The United States should learn from Europe's example and make more use of trains.
