Friday, June 17, 2005

Reflections on the eve of my 27th Birthday

Growing up I have I think been more aware(certainly when I was younger) about current events than perhaps the average American. Recently I have come to some rather upseting conclusions about the state of this great country. Back when I was in High School and College I always enjoyed the eras of history in which Americans were living in an historical moment: The 1930's and 1940s, the 1860's, the 1770's and 1780's. At least in my opinion and I think in the opinion of most Americans the leaders of our country made the right choices. Which brings me to the USA circa 2005. I believe that we as Americans are again living in a historical moment. We as Americans are faced with many new issues. And I feel that the president and the leaders of this country(those whose votes seem to count) just don't get it when it comes to making the right choices Here are just a few of those areas
1 War in Iraq and Foriegn policy
2 The Environment
3 Social Welfare and the role of government
4 Religion in politics
5 the Role of the courts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Katz!