Sunday, September 10, 2006

New Bush Administration blunders

So the New York times reported on Saturday that the Bushies were paying journalists in Miami to write anti Castro reports for a government run radion/tv station. Now apart from the whole unethicalness of the whole thing this was just a waste of money.(I must thank Mike Shopsin for his point). I mean these journalist would be writing anti Castro stuff already in their own papers why does the government need its own paper. WASTE of MONEY

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The New Facism

Back from Labor Day Weekend. I now hear that Bush is comparing the new war on terror with the war against Hitler and Communism. As Joe Klein(I usally disagree with him) said if this is too be compared to fighting Hitler why have we 1 Not Raised Taxes (Like we did in every other war) 2 Why have we not raised a draft 2 Why are we not rallying the country in terms of man power at al levels.
The answer this is just typical Bush speech during an election year. Lets scare the American Public. Lets hope that this time the American Citizenry does not buy it.