Friday, March 26, 2010

The current political climate

So I am of course a left of center Democrat. I was happy with the new health care bill. I would have liked there to have been a public option but I will settle for what we got. I can't believe that the GOP is so hostile to Obama that not a single Republican voted for the bill. After all many of there districts and states would have been helped by this bill. I have a hard time believing that no one in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi is being screwed over by the insurance companies right now.

What scares me more right now is how the GOP leaders both in Congress and on the Radio are talking about the bill. I assume they know(well maybe Glen Beck doesn't) that this bill is not socialist or going to destroy the country. And yet everyday these leaders go on TV and rile up a base who seem to be getting angrier and angrier and yet seem to have no idea what congress actually just voted on.  And nowt here are threats of violence. It is really scary.  Paul Krugman(NY Times) is totally dead on in his latest column when he says that the right wing believes that no one but them should be in charge. We saw this hatred with Bill Clinton and now we are seeing it a gain.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This day in history March 24th

Well of course many things happened but what are some of the more well known things. I guess the one that I thing will resonate with most of my peers is that the Exxon Valdez in 1989(yes 1989) ran aground off of Alaska. Now I am sure Sarah Palin will tell us that it was no big deal and that seals and birds deserved to get killed by oil(cause that is the natural order of things) but for me I remember how this was one of my wake up calls to how fragile our environment is.

I am back

So after three years of inactivity I have decided that it is time to start blogging again.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Today in History April 6th

April 6th 1917: The United States enters world war I. World War I had almost been going on for 3 years when the United States finally entered. It was known as the great war and Woodrow Wilson pushed the United States to enter to "fight a war to End all Wars" and hoped to create a more international(not isolated) United States.