Monday, September 05, 2005

10 days of amazement Part II

So here is the part of my post where I get pissed. It has now been about a week since Hurricane Katrina essentially destroyed large parts of the Gulf Coast. There have been so many issues involved here from the fact that most of the victims in New Orleans have been poor African-Americans and the fact that the Bush Administration seemed at first to fault them for being poor with no place to go to the fact that bodies are still float in the water a week after the storm. This should not happen in this country. Not that this should happen in any country but hte United States prides itself on being the richest most powerful most democratic country in the world and here we are looking like a third world country.
The sad part of all this is the scope and priorities. This tragedy could probably not have been prevented but perhaps the scope could have been less. The Bush administration did two things that really hurt New Orleans. One when the Army Corps of Enginers requested a budget to fix and upgrade the levees the Bush Administration cut the budget to fight the war in Iraq. This was the Bush administration with its eye towards a seemingly more important issue. It is the second action that I take more issue with. Prior to President Bush II, President Clinton and from what I understand President Bush I protected the wetlands around New Orleans. President Bush II allowed these protections to expire and essentially sold the land to developers who promptly destroyed the wetlands. When the hurrican came through the wetlands which normally would have soaked up some of the water from the hurricane were no longer there and New Orleans flooded. So again poor people had to suffer so President Bushs anti environmentalist developer friends could get rich. Does this seem right to you. Again this administration has proven that it will go out of its way to help the rich and the developers and capitalist countering years of previous administration efforts to help the environment.
Think about that folks.

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