Thursday, December 30, 2004

My big issue with President Shrub.

For a long time I have been struggling with why I dislike Shrub so much. For some reason I have decided to air my issues tonight.
1 Of course I dislike his politics and his underlings. But this is not my major beef with the President.
What I dislike about the President is personal but at the same time it speaks wonders about our country and its politics.
Here we have a President whose father was not only President and Vice President but ambassador to China and CIA director. In addition his grandfather Prescott Bush was a Senator. The Bush family also has money.
So here is my beef with the President.
George W. Bush did not leave North America until he was President. Let me say it again. George W. Bush did not leave North America until he was President. One more time for true clarity.
George W. Bush did not leave North America until he was President.
How many millions of Americans leave this country every year on vacation!!!! the vast majority of them with much less money than our president. The only explanation is that the President simply never had a desire to go to Europe or Asia or Africa. He had no desire to look upon the great works of the Italian Masters or visit the Great Wall of China. He had no desire to see the Great Pyramid of Giza and Sphinx. And guess what 60 million Americas have no problem with this either.
They have no problem that we have as our President a man who is not perhaps the idiot we all suspect he is, but he is most certainly an ignoramus. And Americans seem to like that. They like a man who seems to have no sense of culture. They like the fact that he thinks American culture is the only culture.
This is what makes me so mad. We have a culture who refuses to acknowledge the possibility that there are other positive cultures out there.


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