Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bush and Political Capital

So Bush claimed in some interview this week that despite his now all time low of 34% approval rating (and now appartently more people actually personally dislike Senior Shrub) he still claims to have political capital. Okay I know he has to say it but what disturbs me is that he actually believes it. The man is out of touch with reality. He spends 5 years making Americans afraid of Arabs and then gives them control of our ports. I personally am not sure where I stand on this issue. Afterall this company will probably not have any real say on the actual security procedures but Bush had to have seen this one coming. Remember must Americans are idiots and don't read the paper and more importantly Bushs own supporters are afraid of non-whites. Okay but back to the issue at hand. He has no capital. You simply can't have any when most of your supporters are opposed to your ideas.

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