Saturday, February 19, 2005

Today in History

After a few days Hiatus I am back. With another installment of this Day in History. I hope this does not become a habit but it seems that usually this spot is a negative one.
On February 19 1942 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This executive order set in motion the process which would allow the United States Army to send Japanese Americans to detention centers along the West Coast of the United States. This was a horrible horrible decision by Roosevelt. And it is one of the few black marks on his Presidency. One has to wonder why the United States government did not see fit to include German Americans in their list of groups who be a threat to the United States. One would have to be blind not to accuse American racism as being a key factor in the internment of the Japanese. Let us only hope that in our current war against terrorism the Bush administration or any future administration never decides to imprison law abiding citizens whose only crime is that they are Muslim/Arabic.

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