Saturday, February 05, 2005

Batman the Animated Series

So I was having a converstation with another teacher the other day. It turns out he is into cartoons. He watchs many of the new cartoons. He likes Teen Titans and JLU. So he has some good taste in Cartoons. But he had never really watched the original Batman the Animated Series. So I loaned himmy DVD. He watched " Nothing to Fear". He did not seem care for it. He seems to like the newer series that focus more on action and have less reliance on charcater development and drama. Ohwell he has no taste.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, definetly no taste.

Although, to be fair, I think that "Nohting to Fear" is weakened by a non-scary Scarecrow. Good character stuff, though.

"On Leather Wings" is on the first DVD. If he doesn't like that, he's hopeless -- it's got great fight scenes (including the part where Batman follows Man-Bat through a building which is under construction, and the camera swings around him).

If you've got the second DVD, there's always "Harley and Ivy". Hit 'em where it hurts.

-Jonathan W.