Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ban Pat Robertson?

Okay so I am sure by now you have all heard how on his 700 Club Pat Robertson suggested that the United States Assassinate President Hugo Chavez of Venezvuela. Now of course the Bush Administration disavowed these statements. But let us be clear this is the same Administration that actually supported a coup against Chavez. So clearly Robertson is certainly not going to be punished or fined by any Bush Administration officials. Besides the FCC only cares about breasts and lewdness not politically dangerous/violent speech. So please join my already in progess ban and don't listen to this shmuck.


Anonymous said...

Katz, much as I disagree with Robertson on this (and most other things), I'd be much more disturbed if, as you suggest, the government tried to punish Robertson for his statement.
His statement was the kind of political speech our First Amendment was most intended to protect -- Roberts was voicing his opinion as to a foreign policy action our government should take.
He did not divulge any state secrets, he did not incite to immediate violence, he did nothing other than express his political opinion. I doubt you truly wish that to be punished.

sirkatzalot said...

Mr. Goldenberg, one I am not a free speech type of person. So I don't think that he has the right to say what he said. That being said. If Janet Jackson and radio talk show hosts can be fined for being lewd and exposing a nipple, Robertson should be fined as well. What he said was equally wrong and worse irresponsible.No I don't really think he should be banned but he needs to be fined and called out publicly by the President.