So in the second installment I tackle the long debate of certain alien characters that will remain unnamed for now.
Article I Annoying Character. Jar Jar Episode I.
So the chants after episode I were kill Jar Jar. I have to say while I found Jar Jar just about annoying as most Star Wars fans my age I though those chants were perhaps unnecessary afterall I said to myself there must have been equally annoying characters from Episodes IV V and VI. Jar Jar's main role in my view was the comic relief. So I have decided to do a point by point comparision of Jar Jar to C-3PO (the comic relief for the first three films. Don't argue this point you know it's true.)
1 Voice and dialect: The main complaint about Jar Jar that I heard from many people was that he sounded like he was from the caribean. Since he said a lot of stupid things people were screaming racism. C-3PO did not have a partcularly ethnic voice put he did have a very prissy voice. One could argue that with his voice 3PO was a bit sterotypically gay a charge I would not dismiss outright. But 3-3PO actually said somethings that were actually funny. The Annoying point goes to Jar Jar.
2 Actions: There are two types of comic relief: Verbal and physcial. Jar Jar falls into both categories. In terms of his actions. We have acting him like an idiot while in the Gungan submarine. We have him acting like a real idiot when he starts attaking the R2 units while on board the star ship. But his real shining moments come on Tatoinne. He steals some food only to almost get killed by a podracer. He almost gets killed(why Lucas Why!!!) when his tongue gets zapped and he can't talk. I could on but I think you get the message. Jar Jar's antics are hardly funny and detract from the movie. 3PO does not have a lot of funny actions his humor comes from his voice. So once again Jar Jar gets the Annoying point.
3 So who wins the annoying contest. Jar Jar hands down. In fact the Jar Jar is so annoying/offensive he almost ruins the movie. The only character who I can say actually did that for me was Chris Tucker's character in the Fith Element. Ruby Roo I think his name was. He had that Penis hairdo thing going on. My response. Kill Jar Jar
Article II. Characters from the original movies in the prequels.
This is a problem that all sequels have but do prequels need to have this problem ? Lucas decided for some reason that with the exception of Luke, Leia, Han and Lando he was going to try and put every major character from the original in the prequels. Now some character like Yoda and Obi-Wan and Darth Vader I can understand afterall it makes sense. But 3PO and R2 give me a break. Your telling me that Anakin built 3PO only to have him years later help destory him. I would like to give Lucas credit for some dramatic irony but frankly I don't think he is that smart. I just don't think that droids could still be in such excellent physical shape 30 years after the fact. Also unless 3PO got his memory erased he would be able to figure out along with R2 perhaps who Luke and Leia's real father was. That seems to be a major critical error on the part of George Lucas.
1 comment:
The "Darth Vader built C3PO" thing is definetly as stupid as you point out. But to be fair, it's not totally unreasonable for them to be in the prequels. After all, Leia owned them before episode IV, so it's not improbable that she would inherit them from Padme, her birth mother.
On the other hand, C3PO should have been familiar with Tatooine when he crash-landed there in episode IV, since that's where he was created!
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