With the risk of offending some of my readers I am tackling a rather difficult topic. Tom Delay recently defended his own "Medical Terrorism" (16 years ago he pulled the plug on his own father. His father suffered a severe brain injury) By explain htat his father would not have been able to breathe on his own and thus was dying. All Terri schiavo can not do is eat. Okay now there are two issues here. I think many people don't realize that the feeding tube keeping Terri Schiavo alive was not some tube inserted into her throat that allowed her to enjoy food. No this tube is directly inserted into the wall of her stomach. Terri Schiavo can not eat period. She can swallow she can not chew. I think that if more people realized this they would not be so quick to condemn her husband. But getting back to Tom Delay. There are two essential things humans need. Air and Food/water in that order. Yes lack of oxygen will kill you faster than lack of food. But it is still the same concept. So for spokesman of the Family Research Council to say
However, Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, said that Mr. DeLay did not act inconsistently, and that the congressman's father could not be compared to Ms. Schiavo, who was receiving no medical treatment other than nutrition and hydration through a feeding tube.
"Two different situations," Mr. Perkins said. "With Terri Schiavo, there was no plug pulled, there was no respirator taken away from her. She was simply by court order deprived of food and water.Is utter medical foolishness. Okay I have said my peace. Yell at me if you must.
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