Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Schiavo Delay Connection

With the risk of offending some of my readers I am tackling a rather difficult topic. Tom Delay recently defended his own "Medical Terrorism" (16 years ago he pulled the plug on his own father. His father suffered a severe brain injury) By explain htat his father would not have been able to breathe on his own and thus was dying. All Terri schiavo can not do is eat. Okay now there are two issues here. I think many people don't realize that the feeding tube keeping Terri Schiavo alive was not some tube inserted into her throat that allowed her to enjoy food. No this tube is directly inserted into the wall of her stomach. Terri Schiavo can not eat period. She can swallow she can not chew. I think that if more people realized this they would not be so quick to condemn her husband. But getting back to Tom Delay. There are two essential things humans need. Air and Food/water in that order. Yes lack of oxygen will kill you faster than lack of food. But it is still the same concept. So for spokesman of the Family Research Council to say

However, Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, said that Mr. DeLay did not act inconsistently, and that the congressman's father could not be compared to Ms. Schiavo, who was receiving no medical treatment other than nutrition and hydration through a feeding tube.

"Two different situations," Mr. Perkins said. "With Terri Schiavo, there was no plug pulled, there was no respirator taken away from her. She was simply by court order deprived of food and water.
Is utter medical foolishness. Okay I have said my peace. Yell at me if you must.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

This Day in History.

So today is what I would consider a rather good day in History.On this Date in 1979. Begin and Sadat signed a historic peace treaty formalizing the Camp David Accords of the previous year.
There are some who have argued that by simply making a bilateral treaty instead of a multilateral treaty Egypt and Israel doomed future peace efforts in the middle east. I disagree Anwar Sadat and Menachim Begin took a huge step forward in making Peace. They showed that is was possible for two hated enemies(who had fought four wars in the past 30 years) to normalize relations. It is unfortunate that Sadat lost his life in his cause for Peace.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I hope those Scandanavians are laughing right now....

So Joe Klien of Time Magazine has a rather interesting theory. If Peace in the Middle East actually happens and Democracy spreads like a Forest Fire(no pun intended considering the region) than President Bush and his Bush Doctrine should be worthy of the Noble Peace Prize. Yeah thats right the Noble Peace Prize. As one of my friens said it's like 1984 Peace=War. Needless to say I almost threw up when I read the title of his article. I hope you feel the same way as well. If not you are no longer welcome to read this Blog......

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Beware the Ides of March

Well I think the title says it all about this day in history but lets talk about it anyway.
44 B.C.E. Julius Caesar Dictator of the Roman Republic(yes he was not the first Emperor, Augustus was) is assassinated by Brutus and his fellow Senators thus giving the great phrase
Et Tu Brute......

Monday, March 14, 2005

Wow my chance of going to hell

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Low
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

Friday, March 11, 2005

This Date in History March 11

So today we at the History Report will once again be celebrating the greatness that was Franklin Delano Roosevelt the 32nd President of the United States of America. It's late I have had some beer and wine enter my system but I feel we must recognize the greatness of our greatness President(sorry Abe) on this 64th anniversary of the passing into Law of HR 1776 or the Lend Lease Act. To give a little historical perspective. Great Britain(England for those who might not be aware) was fighting the Nazis essentially on her own. France(1-99 since Napoleon) had been defeated as well as the other democracies of Western Europe. England stood alone and desperately needed supplies from the United States. But Capitalism requires that one pays for what they want and England had no money. FDR proposed a radical and perhaps a little tricky plan. He proposed that the United States would Lend England the supplies it needed. At the end of the War England would return those items. Now of course many of those items would be destroyed or lost or used up. To the point where it would be pointless to return them. The United States was in essence going to be simply giving England stuff for relatively little cost.
Lend Lease is a great example of FDR the great politician... May he be remembered fondly

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Year in Sports

So I am returning to my theme of sports I found this to be really funny.
The Yankees of course are sucking it up in Spring Training but they always do so I am not to worried. I am sure once the season starts they will be doing fine. Well thats all I have to say for today.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Twelve Angry Men

So I just went to see the play Twelve Angry Men tonight. My parents and I paid 56 dollars for 86 dollar seats. Pretty good huh!!!. It is one of my favorite movies and it was great play. Now the one problem of course with the play is that compared to the movie the acting talents just don't compare. How do you compare E.G. Marshall and Lee.J Cobb not to mention Henry Fonda to a talented group of actors but not uber talented actors. Needless to say I truly enjoyed the play. It is not only a great story I think it shows why going to Jury Duty is so important. Anyways I don't feel like preaching tonight. So good night

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Supreme Court This week.

This was a nice week if you are a liberal for the most part. The Supreme Court this week said that the execution of convicted criminals was unconstitutional if the crime took place while they were still a minor. Now Justice Scalia would beg to differ but I think it is a good thing that the United States has now joined such nations as Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Nigeria, China and the Democratic Republic of Congo(the only countries to have executed juveniles since 1990) in outlawing this practice. Yes there will be occasions perhaps when a 17 and 330 day year old will perhaps " beat the system" but I think that letting a few young men/women escape death so that this country is not killing 16 year olds is a step in the right direction. I know that even 18 years do not think as clearly as adults. Just look at that case in NYC where the an actress was killed on the lower east side. How did it all start. The group responsible started the incident because they had goaded an 18 year old girl into acting more street. Clearly even 18 year olds are not always mature enough either.