Saturday, November 25, 2006

No wonder why bad movies kept on being made.

BRAVO TV's Funniest movies of all time. I have bolded those that should be ranked much much higher

Where is Some like it Hot, or any of the Marx brothers movies. I guess in order to really be on this list you must have been made after 1970(for the most part)

100. Anchorman
99. The Birdcage
98. School of Rock
97. Happy Gilmore
96. Four Weddings and a Funeral
95. Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
94. Waiting for Guffman
93. The Aristocrats
92. Father of the Bride
91. Revenge of the Nerds
90. Clueless
89. Slapshot
88. Team America
87. The Kentucky Fried Movie
86. Zoolander
85. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
84. Silver Streak
83. Sister Act
82. Tootsie
81. Half Baked
80. Lost in America
79. Three Amigos
78. Bananas
77. Flirting with Disaster
76. Ghostbusters
75. Dumb and Dumber
74. Trading Places
73. City Slickers
72. Moonstruck
71. Roxanne
70. The Nutty Professor (Eddie Murphy)
69. The Blues Brothers
68. Broadcast News
67. Kingpin
66. Dazed and Confused
65. Office Space
64. This is Spinal Tap
63. Manhattan
62. The Pink Panther
61. Election
60. When Harry Met Sally: Giant Stadium scene need I say more
59. Police Academy Series
58. Private Benjamin
57. Swingers
56. Young Frankenstein: Top 15 easy
55. Bull Durham Top 20 easy
54. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
53. Dr. Strangelove Top 15 easy
52. Meet the Parents
51. National Lampoon's Vacation
50. The Princess Bride
49. American Pie
48. American Graffiti
47. 9 to 5
46. The Incredibles
45. Raising Arizona
44. Sixteen Candles
43. What About Bob?
42. Harold and Maude
41. Austin Powers
40. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
39. Mrs. Doubtfire What the F**** is this doing above those bolded. Robin Williams will never be funnier than Classic Mel Brooks or Strangelove.
38. Best In Show
37. Dodgeball
36. Good Morning Vietnam
35. Beetlejuice
34. Rushmore
33. Clerks
32. Groundhog Day
31. The Big Lebowski
30. The 40 Year Old Virgin
29. Legally Blonde
28. Annie Hall
27. A Fish Called Wanda
26. Wayne's World
25. Meet the Fockers
24. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
23. Big
22. Beverly Hills Cop
21. Shampoo
20. The Jerk
19. Wedding Crashers
18. Stripes
17. M*A*S*H
16. Old School
15. Fast Times At Ridgemont High
14. Napoleon Dynamite
13. Naked Gun Series
12. The Producers
11. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
10. Arthur
9. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
8. Blazing Saddles
7. The Wedding Singer Get some Taste mofos!!!!
6. Airplane
5. South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
4. There's Something About Mary
3. Shrek No this is just wrong. Why is this here. It should not even be on the list.
2. Caddyshack
1. Animal House

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Vietnam again

So I had to post again about Bush and Nam. Bush is currently in Vietnam. And apparently he doesn't have the time to visit the city. Also it takes a lot of balls to go to a country and essentially say "hey Vietnam you would not exist as is today if we had not quit" Yeah thats a way to make friends. Also can he play the tourist please. Show these countries that you actually might say be interested in their culture. What a boring person.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The President as Historian

Can some please explain to President Bush what actually happened during the Vietnam War.

No wonder why he thinks Iraq is winable. He just thinks we quit in Vietnam on the verge of victory.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I never thought I would read this on CNN. Actually wait I am not surprised

Okay first Mark Foley now this.

I know that democrats have had their fair share of sex scandals in the past(Clinton, Hart, Kennedy) and probably now just waiting to brew. But I think the public now needs to admit that Republicans as a party and as people are no more perfect than Democrats when it comes to dealing with sex and marriage and family values.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Very Geeky Political Tool

Check out this link. It allows one to see an analysis of the current races in the country.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

New Bush Administration blunders

So the New York times reported on Saturday that the Bushies were paying journalists in Miami to write anti Castro reports for a government run radion/tv station. Now apart from the whole unethicalness of the whole thing this was just a waste of money.(I must thank Mike Shopsin for his point). I mean these journalist would be writing anti Castro stuff already in their own papers why does the government need its own paper. WASTE of MONEY

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The New Facism

Back from Labor Day Weekend. I now hear that Bush is comparing the new war on terror with the war against Hitler and Communism. As Joe Klein(I usally disagree with him) said if this is too be compared to fighting Hitler why have we 1 Not Raised Taxes (Like we did in every other war) 2 Why have we not raised a draft 2 Why are we not rallying the country in terms of man power at al levels.
The answer this is just typical Bush speech during an election year. Lets scare the American Public. Lets hope that this time the American Citizenry does not buy it.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My Thoughts of Jury Duty

So it has now been a week since Jury Duty. I have to say I really enjoyed it. Yes it was essentially a week of my life. But here I was doing my civic duty. And I have to say I really didn't see any signs of frustration from any of my Jury mates. It was truly a cool lesson in Civics.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The George Allen apology

Well once again the Republican party has proved where its heart really lies. So here was George Allen running for relection to the senate in Virginia. His opponent like any good campaigner had a volunteer follow mr. Allen around to tape what he was saying. Now the young man, S.R. Sidarth, who was following Mr. Allen around happens to be of Indian ancestory but is and I quote an NATIVE BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN. Mr. Allen however decided to make fun of this young man by saying.

"This fellow here over here with the yellow shirt, Macaca,(Which is a slur meaning Monkey) or whatever his name is. He's with my opponent. He's following us around everywhere. And it's just great. We're going to places all over Virginia, and he's having it on film and it's great to have you here and you show it to your opponent because he's never been there and probably will never come. [...] Let's give a welcome to Macaca, here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia."

Now Mr. Allen just yesterday finally apologized to Sidarth but come on He knew what he was saying.

Damn it's a slow news day.

So how do you know it is a slow news day. Read this article.
Now I could really care less about that story. The story was bogus news when it happened 3 years ago and it is still.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Another Mixed day in History

So August 9th. This is both a happy day, a sad day, an unforgetable day and a politically expidient day.
So lets list some of the following events.
1945 Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki
1974 My parents are on their honeymoon
1974 Tricky Dick Resigns and Ford becomes president.

So what can I say. This was a happy day for my parents and democrats. But overall this is in many ways a sad day for the nation. The fact that Tricky Dick had to resign was a tragedy. Nixon's abuse of power was a horrible moment in our history and his resignation and subsequent pardon only ended the madness. The dropping of the atomic bomb ended a World War II but again I must ask at what cost to human life and moral ideals.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


So here is a photo I took at night. The exposure time is about 10 minutes. I am not sure why the color is off. Send your comments. I am thinking about enlarging this photo.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Fantasy Football

Just took part in my Fantasy Football draft last night. I am happy with my draft but am waiting to see how training camp ends.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Today in History

History today is one of the moments that we as Americans are often all too happy to remember. On this day 61 years ago the United States became the only country to ever use an atomic weapon on another country.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Making Gravlax

So I have decided to test my culinary skills and cure some Gravlax. Essentially Gravlax is salt and sugar cured Salmon. The salt cure was really simple the only problem is the whole process takes a week. It has not even been 10 hours as I write this post and already I want to open up the saran wrap and take a look at the salmon. I have no idea how I am going to wait until 2 pm friday(to put on the sugar) let alone next wednesday to sample the food.

The Israel Crisis

So there I was sitting in Tischa B' Av services last night. This is a day in which Jews collectively mourn the destruction of the temple. I got to thinking why do we as "liberal" Americans believe that it is our job to love our country but also recognize that there are times that we must protest and question our country. Afterall this is our patriotic duty. Why then are we as Jews expected to blindly support Israel. I do not disagree per se with what Israel is doing right now.

But I am always troubled by how many Jews simply take the attitude my country right or wrong. We as American Jews should not feel ashamed to take a stance the is critical of Israel. I always take the stance that we as Jews should take a higher moral ground. We are critical of Arabs who attack civilians we should then not attack civilians our selves. When the history is written Israel must be seen as the moralist. Why compare our selves to the terrorists.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Its nice to know this is History, I guess

August 1

1972 Bush is suspended from flying with the Air National Guard

Okay as a liberal who believes that history should bring out the liberal in all of us, I have a hard time really accepting that this is "history". Yes if you are the vindictive type you can show this and gloat and say hey this president really was not the war hawk he claims to be. I will let others decide.

Monday, July 31, 2006


July 31
From the History Channel
1941 Goering orders Heydrich to prepare for the Final Solution

On this day in 1941, Herman Goering, writing under instructions from Hitler, ordered Reinhard Heydrich, SS general and Heinrich Himmler's number-two man, "to submit to me as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative material and financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired final solution of the Jewish question."

My own thoughts.
Wow I don't think much needs to be said of this day. There can be good events associated with this day but overall this event just puts July 31st into the infamous days of history. Even the way the sentence is written is just so creepy. That the Nazis actually cared about the finacial aspects of the "final solution" really shows how methodically they went about this issue.


Just added a links section. Check it out. More links will be added soon.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bobby Abreu Trade

Why in the world did the Yankees make this trade. I mean I know that people think the Yanks need a new bat but we need pitching more. When Cano and Matsui come back our lineup will be fine. The 19-6 debacle against the Rays shows where our problems are. I mean you score 6 runs a game you better win most games. We do not need more runs. I can just smell Georges hands on this one.


WOW lets hear it for the English

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Presidential Signing Statements

So in the aftermath of Shrubs first veto in his entire presidency(and people thought he was all about the power of the executive:->) Many people are now starting to realize hey President Bush has put all these signing statements on practically each bill he has signed. These signing statements essentially say I am not going to follow this part of the law. Now Al Franken has been going on about this for a while. My question is why has no one else until this moment. These signing statements are clearly an attempt by this less than brilliant President's smart advisors to gain more power for the executive branch. Historically this simply spits in the face of the constitution. What to do. We need to show how the GOP leadership allowed this to happen. Until it became aware that this president had no idea what he was doing too many in congress were simply too willing to allow their rights to be taken away. Why I will have to think on that one.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

State of Israel

The news from israel continues to depress me. This situation does not seem to be improving. Israel needs to protect itself but is what its doing now actually helping the defense of Israel. Israel seems to be making the situation which Hamas and Hezballah started worse. I just wish Israel would let the whole world just see how bad these two terrorist organizations are. Instead Israel allows these groups to claim that it is the aggresor. And of course Bush makes the situation worse by refusing to really do anything. Lets hope the situation works out.

Friday, July 21, 2006

I am back

Okay I lost my internet access for a while. I am back now. Plan to be blogging.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Get rid of Lou Dobbs

I am so sick of Lou Dobbs. He seems to think there are 20 millions illegal aliens in this country who are taking jobs away from middle class americans. Now I consider myself to be middle class. I have no fear of my job being lost. I think what he should say is blue colar americans(is this politically correct to say). In addition he thinks that the Senats decision to consulate Mexico on building the "security" wall along our southern border is wrong and is giving up our national security. Last time I checked we are not at war with Mexico. They are our ally we should be consulting with them. Also the way he looks at the cameras there is this erie similarity to the the T.V. guy on V for Vendetta.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Enron Verdict

I usually don't like to gloat or rejoice over guilty verdicts but this is one that I am very happy about.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A new type of literacy tests?

Okay take a look at this list courtesy of Wikipedia. I have bolded those who are way to high(although to be honest Reagan getting 1/5 does not seem so bad) I have italicized those who are way to low. Okay yeah I know Lincoln has been dead for a long time and so has FDR but you are telling be that FDR is only 7 points better than Dubya. Also how the hell did 10.08 people select Richard Nixon as the greatest President. Maybe they were laughing as they said this and the poll taker was simply an idiot.
Gallup poll
A Gallup poll about presidential greatness, taken 7-10 February 2005, asked 1008 adults nationwide, "Who do you regard as the greatest United States president?" This poll had a margin of error of plus or minus three percent.
1. Ronald Reagan (20%)
2. Bill Clinton (15%)
3. Abraham Lincoln (14%)
4. Franklin D. Roosevelt (12%)
5. John F. Kennedy (12%)
6. George W. Bush (5%)
7. George Washington (5%)
8. Jimmy Carter (3%)
9. Harry Truman (2%)
10. Theodore Roosevelt (2%)
11. Thomas Jefferson (2%)
12. George H.W. Bush (1%)
13. Dwight Eisenhower (1%)
14. Richard Nixon (1%)
15. Other/None/No opinion: 5%
This article also explains how in a recent poll of historians conservative historians ranked Dubya the #6 greatest president of all time. Okay stop yeah I know what you are thinking. Lets play a game lets place 6 presidents(conservative or liberal who are equal to or not better than Dubya) This btw is bases soley on achievement not ideology. I am ranking them in order of greatness.(BTW I am excluding the big 3 Lincoln FDR and Washing)
1 Woodrow Wilson.(League of Nations, brought he United States out of isolantionism) 2 Teddy Roosevelt (First Modern president. Established a strong international prescence and strong federal government)
3 Harry Truman (Cold War leadership and intergration of armed forces)
4 James K Polk.(He accomplished everything he planned to do in 4 years and expaned the country by many leaps and bounds).
5 Andrew Jackson (Charisma, strong federal government. Nullification crisis)
6 Ronald Reagan (won the cold war peacefully)

With the exception of Harry Truman even a conservative historian has to admit that those 6 are at least equal or better than Dubya. Add in the big 3 and it is not even close. Next up a blog on Historical conservativism.

Monday, May 22, 2006

BUSH the Great speaker

Having watching a dry British Speaker knock the socks off his audience I thought about what the British expect of their speakers. Warning: This will be a long Post So on a whim I decided to find out the difference between a good speaker vs a poor speaker. I decided to compare William Jefferson Clinton(Bubba) to George Walker Bush(Dubya). Unfair you might claim but I could have compared Dubya to FDR or say Lincoln now that would be unfair. To show this difference I am going to look at two state of the unions.
Example 1 Bubba

You know, when the framers finished crafting our Constitution in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin stood in Independence Hall and he reflected on the carving of the sun that was on the back of a chair he saw. The sun was low on the horizon. So he said this -- he said, "I've often wondered whether that sun was rising or setting. Today," Franklin said, "I have the happiness to know it's a rising sun." Today, because each succeeding generation of Americans has kept the fire of freedom burning brightly, lighting those frontiers of possibility, we all still bask in the glow and the warmth of Mr. Franklin's rising sun.

After 224 years, the American revolution continues. We remain a new nation. And as long as our dreams outweigh our memories, America will be forever young. That is our destiny. And this is our moment.

Now this is a example of fine speaking. He has flowing brilliant sentences. You can claim speach writters but Dubya could not pull the above off.

Example 2 Dubya
All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have been arrested in many countries. Many others have met a different fate. Let's put it this way -- they are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies. (Applause.)

Okay I know this is a shorter bit but it is clear who is the better speaker. And lets focus on another issue. Why the hell is the President of the United States gloating on national television that we just whacked some terrorists. Cause lets face it thats what we did. When september 11 took place I had no doubt that the United States would begin to covertly assassinate terrorist leaders. I had no problem with this. I assumed that these leaders would just sort of dissapear. But here is the President of the United States with that little smirk of his annoucing this. And he gets applauses for this. Dubya likes these quick hard hitting statements that he can state and smirk and get applauses.

Which brings me to my penultimate point. we as Americans are a rude crass people. Just look at the whole immigration debate. We like to be blunt and hear our politicians say things that are uneducated and unpopular. I think England is looking pretty good again.

Sister's Graduation

Well just got back from St. Louis. My sister was graduating from College. It was really nice. Say John Major speak. Why can't we expect proper diction from our leaders? Oh Well anyway time to get ready for work.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The immigration debate!!!!!

So President Bush(Yeah thats right I amactually calling him by his correct title) just gave a speech a speech about illegal immigration and protecting our borders. I have to say I liked many of the things he had to say. I agree with him about he plans to deal with illegal immigrants who have been in this nation a long time. they do deserve to stay here and they must pay a penalty. I am interested to see however what along time will mean. I am a little nervous about the way Bush plans to close the border. Yes we need our border protected but are we going to contstruct a Maginot Line of the future? However as my good friend ANOVO points out. It is better to have the National Guard out there than those nuts the Minute Men. The Minute Men just scare me. They don't just seem anti immigrant(which is scary nativist to begin with) they seem anti hispanic. Yeah this whole immigration thing is just a mess.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Paranoid new thought of the day.

So here we are and of course the government is now essentially admiting that it is listening in on many many many people's phone calls(did I mention that it is many of them). Well I know that I am not talking dirty on the phone or talking about any thing illicit but ut lets just think about this. Watergate started over an attempt by CREEP to bug the DNC offices to essentially listen in on campaign strategy. Well what is to stop the White House or its GOP lapdogs in the House and Senate or in the NSA etc to do the same now. I mean yeah I know I am being paranoid. But your telling me Dick Cheney is not going to listen to a conversation of John Kerry or Howard Dean that just happens to be accidentlly listened in on. Yeah right he will be on that like a teenage boy on some sex tape. This just smells like it could be a major political weapon in the hand of the GOP. Democrat party leaders might as well start acting like Tony Soprano when he heads to different pay phones in the middle of the night to order the whacking of people. Or at least they better come up with a really good code to confuse those idiots at the NSA who even when they listen can't crack the codes used by the terrorists.

Shopping for the new pad.

So I have a new place to live and have been slowly buying cool stuff for it. Just bought one of those memory type pillows. I had a 20% off coupon on any one item at Bed Bath and Beyond so we shall see how it is.

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Yankees

Man what happened to the yankees season last night. I mean okay its only one injury and hey we have survived a Jeter injuryin the past. So lets just hope all works out. Go Yanks

Thursday, May 11, 2006

First Family Record

So I know it's been a while. Got to get back into the blogging. So Monday night I am waiting for my friend on broadway and on a whim I check out the records just to see what they have. I actually think I was in the back of my mind looking for Vaugh Meader's "The First Family" This is a record made in the early 1960's spoofing JFK. Needless to say come November 1963 Vaughn Meaders career was over. Well I struck gold. Good condition copy of Record for $1.00. Kick Ass huh. I will hand the record and now I just need to get a record player to play it.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Goodbye Mr. Delay

Well the Hammer has swung his last. Oh I am happy. As a friend of mine said. Ding Dong the Witch is dead.

More on the Delay thing later

Sunday, April 02, 2006


So at both the bar Friday afternoon and my friends birthday party last night we had an interesting conversation. Who do you share your birthday with(i.e. who famous was bornon the same day.) What I found interesting was this concept. I am a person who for instance cares more about the fact that the Battle of Waterloo was fought on my birthday. While others might care that say Adam Sandler shares a birthday. So my question is what type of person are you?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bush's admission

Wow Bush actually admits that he is spending his political capital. But honestly I think it is time that he know admit that he spending on credit. At an approal rating of 37 percent that is what you are doing.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Good Night and Good Luck

So I Just saw Good Night and Good luck. Great Movie. To those have doubts about how troubling this current era of fear and repression is just see this movie. More to Come

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bush and Political Capital

So Bush claimed in some interview this week that despite his now all time low of 34% approval rating (and now appartently more people actually personally dislike Senior Shrub) he still claims to have political capital. Okay I know he has to say it but what disturbs me is that he actually believes it. The man is out of touch with reality. He spends 5 years making Americans afraid of Arabs and then gives them control of our ports. I personally am not sure where I stand on this issue. Afterall this company will probably not have any real say on the actual security procedures but Bush had to have seen this one coming. Remember must Americans are idiots and don't read the paper and more importantly Bushs own supporters are afraid of non-whites. Okay but back to the issue at hand. He has no capital. You simply can't have any when most of your supporters are opposed to your ideas.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Long time no post

So its been a while since I have posted. Iguess I have been busy. But it is with new reason that I come back.
1 The Yankees have started again. Go Spring Training
2 There has just been too much good political crap going on these days to ignore. I will post more in the future.